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Being Thankful


Let's talk about seeing Gods good, Gods love and being sure we thank Him for it everyday!

Often times when God blesses us we don't see it. We're blind sided by life, if you're one of the small percentage of people that isn't blind sided please tell me your ways and let me live your blessed life.

Because there are countless ways God shows Himself to me everyday, and I guarantee I don't see half of them.

Let me name a few God moments I've had recently:

first one goes out to twitter. yes, twitter. I was scrolling through my feed when a blog came up, it was titled "5 Steps to a More Consistent Prayer Life" and that drew me in. I am always looking for ways to improve my relationship with God, and as it's usually a pretty rocky road I'll take what I can get. God heard my heart, saw my need, and filled it in His own way, one He knew would capture my attention, and that's something I'm so thankful for. God knowing how to capture my attention, knowing just when I need a helping hand, motivation, words of wisdom or some hope, He's got me.

Secondly, through that blog post I was motivated to take silent moments in my day "voids" if you will, to talk to God, whether that be typing a prayer out in my phone, or praying out loud or silently, take any spare moment you have to pray. And so I did. I was waiting for my shift to start at work in the break room, and I opened my notes app and talked to God. I'm thankful God and I got to talk, I'm thankful I remembered the blog post, I'm thankful I got the chance to talk to Him today. Cause often days I forget He's here.

Third, but certainly not in order of recognition, my student devotional. I've had this devotion book since before I finished high school. I read it every day for a year in my third year of high school (I believe) and it blessed me everyday, some days more than others. Though tonight was no exception to that truth. May 24th in the book talks about paths, following the one you know is right, and letting God be the director of it. Knowing when it's right, and when it's wrong, and not to follow people down their crooked path, because it may be right for them but not right for you by any means. In no way am I struggling with following others down paths, but I think I always struggle with knowing what's right, what I'm meant and supposed to be doing, and whether or not God supports me through it. I haven't spoken about this to God, I haven't even really known I've felt it until I read it, but God showed me and reminded me that He's got me. I've got this, and my path is set in rose gold sheets. ( that was supposed to sound majestic and cool cause I like rose gold, anyways back to how cool God is)

Seeing God, and being thankful is hard. I admit.

But through this last month He has become more apparent to me, even when I don't have my eyes completely on Him, even when life gets in the way.

God has brought me through some of the craziest, scariest and some of biggest small challenges ever over the last month. I want to explain those, but it's more of a story-time Youtube video than a blog post, so watch out for that coming soon to my channel! ( )

Thank you for reading, know God loves you, and be sure to look for Him in your day! Be thankful He shows Himself to you. Start seeing Him in your daily moments, big or small and the blessings will build, and so will your thankfulness.

Psalms 37:4

"delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart"



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